"Stillness is where creativity and solutions to problems are found."
~Ekhart Tolle
After 25+ years of being on call 24x7x365, covering live breaking news & ensuring broadcast continuity for global media brands, I took a long, slow, deep breath…well, many, many deep breaths actually!!
And in the space between the breaths, cradled by the silence, MPH Transformations was born. The 3 M’s…Meditation, Media, and Mentoring…offering my expertise, sharing my passions, and supporting you on your journey.
I was introduced to Yoga Nidra meditation early in my career at the office…meditations at lunchtime for stress reduction, focus, & resilience…and it has served me well. Meditation has been my “go to” and steadied me through many life challenges, losses, and opportunities…personally & professionally.
I’d love to spend time working with you, your team, or your company…tackling your issues, identifying solutions, and finding the quiet in the midst of chaos.
Yoga Nidra transforms lives…
and heals my heart.
Mary Pratt-Henaghan